Learn more about A/B testing

July 10, 2022


What is A/B testing ?

A/B testing definition

The A/B testing refers to an experimentation process in which two or more versions of an item (web page, page element, application model, etc.) are shown to different users at the same time in order to determine which version has the greatest impact.

In A/B testing, A refers to the original testing variable. Whereas B refers to ‘variation’ or a new version of the original testing variable.
Once several site models have been produced , two versions should be chosen for comparison purposes. The version that moves your site in the successful way is call « the winner ».

Why use A/B testing ?

Using A/B testing to compare colors

Colour is very important in UX design or User EXperience Design. This is not only a decorative element, it’s also a guide which contributes to the ergonomics of the web page.
As you know, colours are symbolic, as contemporary society is well aware. That's why most brands have been greenwashing. The colours of the moment are still blue, green because it remains the nature. But since the Eco-branding, the pastel colours are often used. These are colours that use less energy than the average.

In the example above, the Winner is B. Purple is more successful than white.

Using A/B testing to compare the size of an element

In order to achieve good design, you need to know how to prioritise. To get users to click where they need to, you have to highlight an element.

In the example above, « get started » and « Watch video » take the same place. However, they do not have the same importance. In example B, « Watch video » takes a back seat. The page is better prioritised.

Why always improve the user experience?

Boosting Landing Page Conversions

The conversion rate of a website is the ratio between the number of visitors who have taken an action on a website (purchase or lead) and the total number of visitors over a given period. If the user experience is effective, the conversion rate will be higher.

For example, The conversion rates of the G-Loot landing page increased from 3% to an incredible 35% thanks to A/B testing.

Increasing retention by Optimizing Customer Experience

A/B testing means: Always trying to do better. A user needs an aesthetic, ergonomic, scalable, and modern platform. When the users have all this, they remains loyal and even more so, they advertises.

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