SMA : What’s the Social Media Advertising 

February 10, 2023


Social media advertising is a type of digital marketing that utilizes social networks such as Facebook, to deliver paid ads to your target audience. To connect with your consumers and boost your marketing campaigns, Ads on social media are the faster and more effective way. 

Why SMA is so efficient ? 

Thanks to social media, the data sources to be exploited are numerous. Advertisers are able to hyper-target their audience and deliver personalised content based on user demographics and behaviour. Social networks are very useful for reaching new targets. There are almost 3 billion users on Facebook, 1 billion on Instagram and these numbers are only increasing ! 

Advertising via social networks allows more interactions and conversions than through any other way. 

Social media networks for advertising

Before choosing a social network to advertise on, you have to know where yours targets are. All platforms have different audiences, different age groups, different ways of targeting their audience.


By choosing Facebook, you won't be mistaken. 

Facebook users have a very wide location demographics and age range: from 16 to 60 years old. 

There are many possibilities for advertising : video ads, photo ads, Stories ads, Messenger ads carousel ads, etc. 


Instagram is the number one advertising tool used by e-commerce creators. Instagram ads allow for direct, easy et quickly links to website, which is a time-saver and a perfect optimization to push the user to purchase. 

The Instagram target is youngest than Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s used by 18-34 years old people. 


You can promote your products and advertise on Twitter, but you have to know : Users spend an average of 2.7 minutes on this social media. Twitter is a social network mainly focused on companies that want to become opinion leaders. 

Your advertising must therefore be quick and impactful. Then Twitter will automatically promote your  tweets to your specified audience if you tell who your target market is. 


Tiktok is a very recent platform targeting a limited audience: 16-24 year olds. The advertisements are made in the format of 9-second videos. under the videos are links to redirect the target to a website. 9 seconds to seduce young people, that's all you need. Tiktok ads are aimed at a small target audience but a large number of users. It's perfect for selling a product.

Social Media Advertising: when and how much ?  

When you start a business, it is always difficult to spend money without a guarantee of results. How to advertise and how much does it cost? Nothing should be done randomly

Is it essential to advertise on social networks ?

 Advertising on social media is useful but it is not mandatory to have a successful business. 

It all depends on the products or services you sell. If you are selling a service such as "home hairdressing" it is best to Google adds. This way, you will only pay for targeting people who are looking for that service. If you are selling a clothing collection, it is best to advertise on Facebook or Instagram which will showcase images of your products. Whereas Google would not even allow them to be shown 

What price to put in Social Media Advertising ? 

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