How to Create Facebook Ads

September 20, 2022


How to Create Facebook Ads


Facebook ads are a great way to reach your customers. Whether it’s a promotion, new product launch or content update, Facebook ads can help you get the word out about it. There are several different types of Facebook campaigns available to suit every business model. In this article we’ll go over how to create a successful ad campaign on Facebook that reaches your target audience and gets them talking about what you have to offer!

Set a Budget

After you've got a good idea of your target audience, it's time to set a budget.

You'll want to think about the size of your audience and how much you can afford to spend on advertising. If this is your first campaign and you’re just starting out, it's best to start small. Once you have experience with Facebook Ads, then you can scale up—but always start small!

When setting a budget for an ad campaign:

  • Decide how much money (and time) is available for each ad campaign
  • Decide how much money should be spent on promoting individual posts or ads in general

Create an Ad Campaign

Once you've created your ad, it's time to create an ad campaign.

  • Set a budget—the amount you're willing to spend on your ads. You can set this as low as 5€ per day or up to 50,000€ per day.
  • Choose a campaign objective—the action you want people who see your ads to take (for example, sign up for email updates or download a coupon). There are six options:
  • Awareness: get people interested in what you have to offer
  • Consideration: make sure they know who you are and why they should care about what you have to offer
  • Conversion: get them from awareness/consideration directly into action (for example, purchase) by clicking through from the ad into the website or app where they'll complete their goal (such as purchasing) in one click (or two clicks if using Promoted Posts).

Design Your Ad

  • Use a professional image.
  • Use a professional headline.
  • Use a professional description.
  • Create a call to action that's easy for your target customer or audience to understand and act on, such as “Download Now!” or “Buy Now!”
  • Include text that is easy to read and makes sense in the context of what you're offering, such as “Get My Free Guide Now” or “Sign Up For Our Newsletter Today!”

Choose Your Audience

The first step in setting up a Facebook advertising campaign is to choose your target audience. If you're an ecommerce store, you can use the information on your website visitors to create a custom audience on Facebook.

Here are some ways to find people who might be interested in what you're selling:

  • Look for keywords that show that someone has made a purchase from one of your competitors. These people are probably looking for something similar, so they may be interested in buying from you too!
  • Search for groups that mention topics related to what your business sells. Once you know their interests, target them with ads about those subjects and products.

Insert Call to Action, Headline, and Text

Your ad has to have a call to action, headline and text. The call to action should be clear, the headline should be compelling and the text concise. Your goal is to persuade people in your target audience who are most likely interested in what you're offering, so that they'll click on the ad and go directly back to your website.

Place the Order!

Once you’re ready to start running an ad, click on the “Place Order” button. You will be taken to this screen:

If everything looks good and you haven’t changed your mind about any aspects of your campaign, click on place order and get started! Once you place your order, Facebook will send you a confirmation email with links for all the tools we just talked about in this article. You can monitor how your ads are performing at any time by clicking on them under “Campaigns” in Facebook Ads Manager. If they aren't performing well, we've got some tips below on how to make adjustments!

Facebook ads are an easy and affordable way to reach your customers.

Facebook ads are an easy and affordable way to reach your customers.

Facebook ads are a great way to reach your customers, who can be targeted by age, gender, interests and more. Plus, since the platform is so popular and highly trafficked, it’s likely that your audience will see what you post—and this means more potential sales for you!

Facebook ads allow you to create campaigns through the use of templates and then set up campaign objectives based on those templates. You can also choose whether or not to run an ad at all times (called “always”), only when someone is on Facebook (called “retargeting”) or only when they visit certain websites (called “destination URLs”). For example: if someone lands on one of our blog posts about social media marketing tools we may want them to see our sponsored posts offering those same tools so we could use a destination URL in order for that person only receive these ads while they browse other sites like ours online versus always seeing them no matter what page they visit within Facebook itself.


Don’t be intimidated by Facebook ads! They are easy to create and you can start with just a few dollars. Plus, if you don’t like the results of one campaign, you can try another one with different images, text and products. And don’t forget that Facebook offers free training on how to create these ads.

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