Developing a lead generation strategy

February 25, 2021


Developing a lead generation strategy is essential for the survival of a company. For this, many marketing levers are available and more or less difficult, less long and more or less expensive to implement.

Generating leads through natural referencing (SEO) and paid referencing (SEA)

Natural referencing corresponds to the optimisation of your site and your content for search engines. In concrete terms, this means adapting the entire theme and content writing to the searches made by users in your field of activity. This is a long-term strategy that will bear fruit after a few months.
Paid referencing corresponds to the purchase of keywords according to the themes of your company in order to appear in the sponsored results of search engines. Several strategies are possible such as cost per click, cost of acquisition. Design Brand Agency is here to help you develop your SEO strategy.

Define your medium and long term strategy in order to know which SEO to implement.

Implementing natural referencing strategies pays off at a significant cost. This is why it is important to think about your acquisition strategy in the short, medium and long term.

E-mail marketing and retargeting?

Getting leads is one thing, knowing how to keep them and convert them is another. If you leave your site without providing an email or phone number, they will be lost. It is important to offer them free content in order to capture at least one of these two means of communication so that you can contact them again and offer them your products or services.

Building your Ink emailing list and adapting your retargeting strategy will allow you to considerably increase your conversion rate.

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