Why develop a mobile application?

March 9, 2021


Are you hesitating to develop your own application on the iOS or Android system?

This article is for you. We will look at all the aspects to consider before developing your mobile application. We will also look at the advantages and disadvantages of this content strategy.

Why develop a mobile application?

A mobile application, whether it is on iOS or Android, can be the heart of your business, in which case the question does not arise. However it can also capture a content and positioning strategy to reach more users. Indeed it is quite possible to offer free content and spread your point through a free app.

Developing your brand on the AppStore and GooglePlay will allow your brand and your company to develop their natural referencing (SEO)

You want to develop your app is one thing, getting it out there and maintaining and updating it is another. We will then look at the points to consider before offering your application to users.

Which technology to choose?

Many online tools called "No Code" allow you to develop your iOS and Android applications without having any development skills. They have the advantage of allowing anyone to create mobile applications. These tools will obviously be less complete and less powerful than applications created by developers.

Using an iOS or Android developer may be necessary if your application requires more difficult skills such as databases. However, it should be taken into account that your applications will require regular updates to meet the needs of all users and to correct bugs.

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